Apr 17, 2013

getting better with characters

This is my second succesfull character design! (the first one will be animated, so I'll post it later)
If you remember my pan market, then you may recognize Ms. Snobby Pig, that is gonna stay in the animation wall for an entire year! I could cry of happiness!
Anyway enough words, look at  the girl! Any resemblance to a certain public figure is just coincidence XD
Mine is just above my friend C. Schvepper, she is super nice and talented!

Apr 3, 2013

Misa walk

This was supposed to be my dog walking, and don't get me wrong it does look like her when she's wet. But I think I'm gonna spend the summer animating eyes and walk cycles.

It doesn't look so bad, the walk works, but just doesn't get me into the "feeling." Probably cause I was really burnt out when finishing this. The first year is coming to an end so fast, and my energy is dropping at the same speed. I guess the other thing I'll do during the summer is work on getting a stronger mind and body. hehe, it sounds so meditational... but I hope it can help me stay in shape when working 18/7 (that's right my body wont let me pull all nighters)
whatever here's my girl, sorry for the quality... youtube...